How to vote by post

You will receive your ballot papers and postal voting statement before polling day.

Your postal vote needs to be with your borough council by 10pm on polling day to be counted.

If you do not post your ballot papers and postal voting statement in time for them to arrive by polling day, you can deliver it by hand on polling day. This can be at any polling station in your borough or to your borough’s Electoral Registration Office. 

If you return your postal voting statement by hand you will need to complete a short form. Please allow time for this. You cannot return more than five postal vote ballot packs in addition to your own. 

How to apply for a postal vote

Applying for a postal vote

The deadline to apply for a postal vote for the elections on the 2 May has now passed. 

You can apply for a postal vote online for future elections.

Before you apply for a postal vote you must be registered to vote.

Alternatively you can download, print and fill in the postal vote application form.

Once you have completed the form and signed it, you need to send it to the electoral services team at your borough council.

Find your borough’s Electoral Registration Office