Natalie Campbell
Image of candidate
Vote for Natalie Campbell to be your next Mayor of London
Co-CEO of
University Chancellor
58% of Londoners didn’t vote in 2021.
If 1.5 million of us vote for change and a better London then I’ll be your next Mayor of London.
What will your vote deliver for London?
- Good Homes & Happy Neighbourhoods
- Safe Streets & Local Police
- Well Communities & Better Lives
Why vote for me?
I will be free from party politics and solely focussed on making real changes - with you and for YOU…
- as a Londoner who wants to fall in love with London again
- as a CEO who knows how to fix tough problems
- as a Social Entrepreneur who believes in the power of community.
My promise to every Londoner.
Good Homes
You will see 40,000 affordable homes being built; not just to buy but also to rent. As part of my commitment to making sure everyone has a good home I am determined to end youth homelessness in London in my first four years. Homelessless is a political choice.
Safe Streets
You will know the name of your local Police Officers because they will be back on your high streets in 320 new neighbourhood centres that also have community support services co-located on site. Let’s use our empty shops to make every street feel safe!
Better Lives
You will feel the buzz of London again. I will fiercely back freelancers and entrepreneurs and ensure that every young person has a high-quality job that meets their ambition. London will be a world leader in environmental stewardship and have a transport system that is affordable and equitable (north, south, east and west).
As an independent Mayor I will take a zero B.S. approach to rebuilding London. I will be honest about the trade-offs and tell you where every penny of the budget is being spent. I will work with you, not against you.
Nat. Your Next Mayor of London
Prepared by Natalie Campbell of 16 Churchill Road, Willesden, London, NW2 5EA as agent
The information on this page also appears in the statutory election booklet that is sent to every registered voter eligible to vote in these elections. The content is the sole legal responsibility of the candidates and their election agents and has not been supplied by the GLRO or the London Elects team.