London Elects campaign

The London Elects campaign is designed to tell Londoners when, where and how to vote.  

The campaign will launch on 18 March. Please do not use our campaign assets before this point.  

Primary message: The Mayor of London and London Assembly elections take place on 2 May 2024. Find out more at  

Our secondary messages include:  

  • Bring photo ID to vote
  • How to complete your ballots in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections
  • Go to for candidate information (live by 28 March)  
  • Go to for polling station information (live in April)  
  • Postal/proxy application deadlines  
  • Understanding the role of the Mayor and Assembly

The campaign is about the power of a little cross to shape your city and decide your future.

It will emphasise the changes which have taken place since 2021, specifically:

  • The requirement to bring photo ID to vote, which will feature prominently  
  • The change in voting system in the Mayor of London election. Previously voters were able to make a first and second choice. Now it is possible to make only one choice.

Download London Elects resources

You may have previously been in receipt of campaign assets from the GLA Community Engagement Team to raise awareness of voter ID. This campaign has now finished so please use Electoral Commission voter ID assets from now on. 

London Elects campaign poster

My voice can be heard campaign poster

Electoral Commission voter ID campaign

The Electoral Commission is running a campaign in England and Wales to raise awareness of the need to bring photo ID to vote on 2 May. The campaign has three key messages:

  • You need to show photo ID to vote
  • If you don’t have photo ID, you can apply for free voter ID
  • More information can be found on our website:

The campaign launched on 8 January and will run until polling day. There will be two phases:

8 January to 24 April

Alongside our core message of reminding people to bring photo ID, this phase will emphasise the option of getting free voter ID ahead of the application deadline.

24 April to 2 May

After the deadline for applying for free voter ID has passed, our campaign will move to a second phase, which will focus on a final push to remind voters to bring photo ID to the polls.    

The campaign features sticky notes to provide unmissable reminders to voters to bring their photo ID on polling day.  

If people do not have an accepted form of ID, they can apply for a voter authority certificate, either online or by post. We suggest directing people to our website for further information, as it has complete and accurate information on the requirement and the application process. 

Download Electoral Commission voter ID resources

Electoral Commission Voter ID poster

Electoral Commission Voter ID campaign poster

Electoral Commission voter registration campaign

The Electoral Commission’s new ‘Show It Off’ campaign is designed to encourage voter registration ahead of the registration deadline on 16 April.

The campaign showcases the importance of taking pride in and celebrating registering to vote. The visuals feature a diverse group of people in different everyday scenarios showing off being registered to vote in unique and personal ways.

It asks people to share in that pride by going online and registering to vote themselves.

The campaign will run from 1 March until 16 April. The key messages for the voter registration campaign are:

  • An election is happening soon in your area
  • To vote in it, you need to be registered
  • The deadline to register is Tuesday 16 April 2024  
  • Register to vote at 

Download Electoral Commission voter registration resources

Electoral Commission voter registration poster

Electoral Commission voter registration poster

How to use the campaigns

In any communications to publicise voter registration, please use the Electoral Commission resources and direct users to

When promoting voter registration on Twitter/X always use the hashtag #YourVoteMatters.

In any communications to raise awareness of voter ID requirements please use Electoral Commission resources and direct users to

In any communications raising awareness that the elections are happening, or promoting information specific to the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections, please use London Elects resources. Direct voters to  

Please use the hashtag #LondonVotes on all Twitter content related to the London elections including voter registration and voter ID.

Don’t combine visual or messaging elements (other than hashtags) from the two campaigns into one advert as this could cause confusion. Try and avoid using multiple messages where possible and only direct to one web link.  

If you’re not sure which link to direct to, please use This contains voter registration and ID information.