Template copy and social media

London Elects template press releases

We will be sharing template press releases to mark key milestones in the run-up to the elections. These will be available approximately a week before the intended publication date. See publication dates below: 

DateHookLink to template
Thursday 4 AprilOne month to polling dayOne month template
Monday 22 AprilPolling station map on websitePolling station template
Wednesday 1 MayTomorrow is polling dayIt's tomorrow template
Thursday 2 MayPolling dayToday's the day template

Social media

Official campaign hashtags Please use #LondonVotes on all election-related Tweets, and #YourVoteMatters on those dealing with voter registration.  

Do not add additional hashtags as this could potentially confuse our messages and make them less effective.  

Social copy

On the following pages you can find copy for use on social media. 

The Electoral Commission voter registration campaign is live from 1 March. The London Elects campaign is live from 18 March. Please do not post about these campaigns before these dates. Timings for posting each message have been provided on the following pages. 

London Elects social media channels

Previously Twitter/X has been London Elects’ main social media channel. Like many other organisations we are considering the role of the platform in our comms given the changes which have taken place.

London Elects will continue to post to X as the platform where we have the greatest following and see the most engagement. However, we are expanding our social media presence. You will be able to view London Elects content on:

Please feel free to follow the London Elects accounts. We encourage you to be proactive on these platforms in sharing and engaging with our and each other’s content. This is crucial to increasing the presence of reliable, authoritative election information in these spaces. 

Social copy – election awareness

Timing: from 18 March

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
The Mayor of London and London Assembly elections will take place on 2 May 2024. A little X can make a big difference. Find out more at londonelects.org.uk #LondonVotes Election awareness image or video londonelects.org.uk 
Make your mark in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections on 2 May 2024. Find out more at londonelects.org.uk  #LondonVotesElection awareness image or video londonelects.org.uk 

Social copy – photo ID (pre VAC deadline)

Timing: until 24 April

Electoral Commission voter ID resources

MessageUse withLink

To vote in elections in [area], you will need to show photo ID.

No ID? You can apply for free voter ID now.

Find out what is accepted and apply for free voter ID if you need to ⬇️


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

Did you know? 📢

You need photo ID to vote at a polling station in elections in England.

Find out what ID is accepted and apply for free voter ID if you need to ⬇️


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

There are elections in [area] on 2 May.

To vote at the polling station in these elections, you’ll need to show photo ID.

Find out what is accepted and apply for free voter ID if you need to ⬇️


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

There are elections coming up in your area.

You’ll need photo ID to vote at the polling station in these elections.

No ID? You can apply for free voter ID now.

Find out what is accepted and apply for free voter ID if you need to ⬇️


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

There are elections in [area] on 2 May.

You’ll need photo ID to vote at the polling station in these elections.

No ID? Apply for free voter ID before the deadline on 24 April.


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

Social copy – photo ID (after VAC deadline)

Timing: from 24 April

Electoral Commission voter ID resources

MessageUse withLink

Remember! 📢

You need photo ID to vote at a polling station in the elections on 2 May.

Find out what ID is accepted ⬇️


Electoral Commission Voter ID imageselectoralcommission.org.uk/voterID

Social copy – voter registration (Electoral Commission messaging)

Timing: from 1 March  

Electoral Commission resources to be added

MessageUse withLink

Elections are taking place where you live on 2 May. [calendar emoji]

[They’re / He’s / She’s] registered to vote, are you?

Register before the deadline on 16 April: gov.uk/register-to-vote

Corresponding images from voter reg campaign

NB: must be accompanied by image


[They’re / He’s / She’s] registered to vote, are you?

It’s quick and easy – all you need is your National Insurance number.

Register before the deadline on 16 April: gov.uk/register-to-vote

Corresponding images from voter reg campaign

NB: must be accompanied by image


Are you registered to vote too?

The deadline to register to vote in the elections on 2 May is 16 April. [ballot box emoji]

Register now: gov.uk/register-to-vote

Images from voter reg campaign

NB: must be accompanied by image


Elections are taking place in your area on 2 May.

Register to vote now if you’ve never registered before, have moved house, or changed your name.

Register now: gov.uk/register-to-vote

#YourVoteMatters. Don’t lose it.

Images from voter reg campaigngov.uk/register-to-vote 

Recently moved house? [house emoji] You need to register at your new address to vote in elections.  

It’s quick and easy, visit gov.uk/register-to-vote  

#YourVoteMatters. Don’t lose it

Images from voter reg campaigngov.uk/register-to-vote 

Just turned 18? [celebration emoji]

Make sure you’re registered to vote so that you can vote in elections in your area.

All you need is your National Insurance number.

Register online today: gov.uk/register-to-vote

Images from voter reg campaigngov.uk/register-to-vote 

Time’s running out! [alarm clock emoji]

There’s only [X] days left to register to vote before the deadline on 16 April.

Go to gov.uk/register-to-vote today.

#YourVoteMatters. Don’t lose it

Images from voter reg campaigngov.uk/register-to-vote 

Social copy – How to complete your ballots

Timing: from 8 April  

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

The video assets will be added to the resources page in early April.

MessageUse withLink
Voting in the Mayor of London and London Assembly election is easy. London’s voting on 2 May 2024. Make your mark. #LondonVotesHow to complete your ballots videolondonelects.org.uk/im-voter/how-complete-your-ballot-papers
When voting in the Mayor of London and London Assembly election make 1 choice for Mayor, 1 choice for your Constituency Assembly Member and one for an Assembly Member to represent the whole of London. #LondonVotesHow to complete your ballots videolondonelects.org.uk/im-voter/how-complete-your-ballot-papers

Social copy – Absent voting applications

Timing: from 18 March to 17 April (postal vote application deadline) / 24 April (proxy vote application deadline)  

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
You can vote by post in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. Don’t miss the deadline – apply for your postal vote by 5pm on Tuesday 17 April. Make your mark. #LondonVotesApply for postal vote imagegov.uk/apply-postal-vote
Make your mark in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. To vote by post apply by 5pm on Tuesday 17 April. #LondonVotesApply for postal vote imagegov.uk/apply-postal-vote
You can vote by proxy in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. Don’t miss the deadline – apply for your proxy vote by 5pm on Tuesday 24 April. Make your mark. #LondonVotesApply for proxy vote imagegov.uk/apply-proxy-vote
Make your mark in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. If you can’t vote in person, apply to vote by proxy by 5pm on Tuesday 24 April. Make your mark. #LondonVotesApply for proxy vote imagegov.uk/apply-proxy-vote

Social copy – Find out who your candidates are

Timing: from early April  

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
Find out who your candidates are in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. Make your mark. #LondonVotesFind out who your candidates are imageTBA

Social copy – poll cards

Timing:  from 1 May

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
This Thursday London’s voting in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. You don’t need to take your poll card to vote but it can speed things up. Make your mark. #LondonVotesElection awareness imageTBA
Make your mark in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections tomorrow. Polls are open from 7am to 10pm. You don’t need to take your poll card to vote but it can speed things up. #LondonVotesElection awareness imageTBA
Polls are now open until 10pm in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. You don’t need to take your poll card to vote but it can speed things up. Make your mark. #LondonVotesElection awareness imageTBA

Social copy – Understanding the role of the Mayor and Assembly

Timing: from 18 March  

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
The Mayor’s job is to make London a better place for everyone who visits, lives or works in London. This includes developing policies, setting budgets, overseeing major programmes and championing London around the world. #LondonVotesRole of the Mayor animationlondonelects.org.uk/what-do-mayor-london-and-london-assembly-do
The London Assembly holds the Mayor to account by examining Mayoral strategies, decisions and actions to make sure they are in the public interest. Assembly Members also conduct investigations into issues of importance to Londoners. #LondonVotesRole of the Assembly animationlondonelects.org.uk/what-do-mayor-london-and-london-assembly-do

Social copy – polling station locations/opening

Timing: from 29 April  

London Elects resources to be added 11 March

MessageUse withLink
This Thursday London’s voting in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. Find out where to vote using our polling station finder. Make your mark. #LondonVotesPolling station finder imageTBA
The Mayor of London and London Assembly elections will take place this Thursday. Find out where to vote using our polling station finder. Make your mark. #LondonVotesPolling station finder imageTBA
Make your mark in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections tomorrow. Polls are open from 7am to 10pm. Find out where to vote using our polling station finder. #LondonVotesPolling station finder imageTBA